As is pretty well known, I am a bit of a curry and Indian food snob; I belong to the Curry Club, and occasionally write reviews and articles for their magazine. My favourite curry house is Sweet & Spicy, in Chicksands Street, just off Brick Lane. Having noted that, I do have a guilty pleasure - the Chinese takeaway chicken curry. Nothing whatsoever to do with a "real" curry - more like the kind of thing you might get served at school. I love one of these with mushroom Singapore noodles and a giant vegetable spring roll. A heart attack on a plate, but lovely homely stuff nevertheless.
At work, I have been made Chair of the company Carer's Network. I have some big ideas on how to expand and improve the service. Time will tell.
I watched the new Indiana Jones movie last night; I have to say that I thought that it was boring! I got 2/3 of the way through the film and, after looking at the clock for the third time, I switched the film off. It was both predictable and tired, and relied over much on computer graphics over clever use of physical stunts. Harrison Ford looked like he was going through the paces, and never convinced - and the scene where he climbs into a fridge to avoid getting vapourised in a nuclear explosion was completely laughable for the wrong reasons.
I received an Email earlier this week, it contained a link to a server with downloadable MP3 recordings from various offshore radio stations over the last forty years or so. I was absolutely gobsmacked to find a recording of me, from back on the 3rd of May 1990, presenting an afternoon show on Radio Caroline. I had only been on board for a few days when this recording was made; I was very inexperienced at the time, and I was very much the "new boy" on board. Later on, I moved to do the overnight album show, from midnight until 6am, and felt a lot more comfortable (and got lots more letters from listeners - Medium Wave radio signals carry a far greater distance at night). The quality is pretty poor - made as it was from an off air recording from a medium wave, thus mono source, the file is also a low bit rate one. Nevertheless, you can hear me on air, sounding very young and squeaky, by Clicking Here. The file is 10Mb in size, so it way take a short time before it begins playing. Comments and feedback can be left by clicking on the comments link at the bottom of this entry.
Continuing the radio theme, I did a search on YouTube and found the following clip posted by those nice chaps from WNKR. Apparently, earlier this year they went to a radio conference in America - whilst there, they did a little al fresco broadcasting of their own - see the video for the full story. I understand the lads will be on air over the whole Christmas period on 1476 kHz Medium Wave, with a variety of both standard scheduled programmes and some festive special shows.
Thanks for the link to my Sweet & Spicy photo!
ReplyDeleteYep, the blokes lumbering gate looks like he should be out of Shaun Of The Dead or a George A Romero flick (I'm not counting the Dawn Of the Dead remake from afew years ago as zombies shouldn't run, part of they're thing is that no matter what you do they will keep coming it only takes one mistake and your worm food not a blind panic chase although the bit with the little girls zombie at the beginning is very good), as a HUGE Zombie film fan I'd love to see Erith used as a backdrop mainly as 90% of the F*ckers that live here shuffle about like the undead anyway so the films budget could be saved for the obligatory money shots of gory dismemberment and head shots.
If your interested in at all check out a film called "Zombie Strippers" for true "modern" B-movie splatterfest or if you want a cerebral (Geddit'??) take track down The Walking Dead in Waterstones; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Walking_Dead#The_Dead brilliantly bleak, failing that World War Z is great but can be abit of a chore to read as it's set up is a document made after a world wide zombie epidemic (although the bit about how conventional armed forces would ultimately fail in a Zombie pandemic is great, the description of why grenades fail to take out zombies is fascinating, in a human the shockwave of an explosion can kill you due to damaging internal organs but with a Zombie it just knock them over or bits off of them…): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_war_z
ANYWAY, Mr.P's Blog is not a discussion about Zombies…but I will say its either "Huuuur" or "braaaaiiiinsss" that zombies slur not "brains".
I'd like to see the un-let units in Erith filled with tropical fish, it would make it a lot nicer to walk past!
RIGHT that’s it I want your Curry Club membership card on my desk by noon. A "Chinese curry"??!
Bet it wassludge coloured and had raisin in to…
Hats off to you for becoming the Chairman of KPMG's carer's network, I've given up being a Union activist awhile ago cos I got fed up with banging my head against the Departments brick wall. Well that and people only getting involved in the Union when their in a blind panic as they have a problem not at any other time.
I have compassion fatigue!
Sorry to have to agree with you but it's time Mr.Jones hung up his fedora.
Actually no, it's time George and Steven had their heads banged together. There's a great episode of South Park (one of the most socially biting series on TV believe it or not) where the Boys fight the evil Mr. Spielberg for messing about with his old films and all of his security guards have and hold walkie-talkies like guns (he digitally removed all guns from E.T and replaced them with walkie-talkies). Very cleverly does especially when for effect the heavies cock them.
Gotta say thought the nuclear explosion bit was the most enjoyable bit of the film.
Love the fact we can stream that old Pewty music show straight from the Interweb to our ears. It does sound weird though but that what happens when you get recorded. That period of time is trapped like a fly in amber…
Hat's off to the WNKR lads for possibly bring the wraith of the US government down on their heads by bypassing the USA's complex broadcasting laws. Not sure if "Hotel Pirate Radio" has the right ring to it though.
Mind you they should send one to Alan Partridge I'm sure he'd love to be able to broadcast again even if it's from the comfort of his motel suite Ahaha!
Talking of broadcasting I have an i-trip (the little short range FM transmitters so you can play your i-pod through your car radio) and it works for about 15ft, when I used to drive to work I used to always get stuck in traffic with this t*t who used to BLAST out R&B/Drum & Bass at stupid levels at 7am in the morning. I worked out which station he was listening to and used to play La gazza ladra by Rossini (cool melodic classical piece) or failing that the dirtiest, filthiest bit of 70's Prog rock excess I could find (Yes was a favourate or I Know What I like by Genesis. It used to drive him mad, he used to play his radio so loud the houses either side of the roads windows used to shake. The dumbass never just turned it down for abit he used to flick through his presets and I used to follow him, this went on for WEEKS.
The power of Radio indeed...