Above this is the infamous "caught in the act" photograph I took from my home office window of one of the feckless Chavs who were stealing lead/acid batteries from the recycling plant behind my house. The Police were soon on the scene, and no further burglaries have been attempted. The local Police even called me "CSI Erith". Not a bad compliment. Next is a photo of my (then) two Nikon Professional DSLR cameras; shortly thereafter I sold the smaller D200 to work colleague and friend Martha. The newer D300 is continuing to provide sterling service.
One of the biggest impacts technology - wise this year has been the arrival of my top of the range Apple iMac 24" computer. It has been a great boon - it is very fast, has a great 1080p HD widescreen display and a dinky bluetooth wireless keyboard and mouse. With 4 Gb RAM, and a Terabyte of internal storage, as well as a Terabyte of external FireWire 800 backup storage, it should keep me going for quite a while.
The shot of the chap in armour above, illustrates the best Erith River Festival for years; Erith River Front Gardens became home to a truly entertaining local event earlier this year. Many festivals have been held, and some have been truly dispiriting affairs. This years was really excellent.
The band photo was taken of popular local beat combo "Oxide" who once again headlined the Farnfest as reported back in the summer. I was official photographer for the event and a great time was had by all. Above that is a shot taken of Martha and Alan at the third annual Bexley beer festival at Sidcup rugby club. The weather was appallingly cold and wet compared with previous years, but the beer and company was excellent; we even managed to meet up with pretty much the whole broadcasting and engineering staff from local radio station WNKR.
Next up is a photo of Shirley on the river front at Gillingham back at Easter - a chilly but bright and pleasant day as I recall. We were then off for lunch at Nandos.
I visited the holy grail of anyone in the IT business - Bletchley Park, home of Britain's secret wartime code breaking activities, and the place where Colossus was built - the world's first programmable digital computer, a rebuilt version of the Colossus is shown above. Amazing stuff.
Above this is a photo that was a big scoop earlier last year. Bongo covered the then prospective American Presidential Candidate Barack Obama on his European tour. Here is a (somewhat grainy and poor quality) photo of him with the next President of the USA.
Right at the top of the stack, and heading the whole pile of photographs is what I consider to be the outstanding event of last year, which was of course Major Steve Fraser's MBE investiture in October. The pre MBE party at the Robin Hood & Little John pub, and the subsequent visit to the palace were really something special, and something I am proud to have been a minor part of.
Thanks to all of you who have been reading my random rants and philosophical discourses over the last year; your thoughts and feedback are always welcome by clicking on the comments link below. I have had some recent feedback from Crayford resident, and Plumstead area Blogger Marta - you can read her thoughts on the local area by clicking here.
This week's video clip is quite topical; it features a comic song by Mitch Benn about the closure of Woolworths following the store chains' recent insolvency. Where will the Chavs go to shop lift now? Do let me know what you think.
Cool stuff Hugh! I had no idea that we had Erith River Festival, let alone the best of the decade! I wonder what does Crayford have:)) We are not even at the river! I like your pictures a lot and congratulations on a great Apple Mac comp, this is my dream for this season:)) I need it for editing my films about Plumstead. With your still camera, Apple MAc and a great journalistic flair you should launch your own paper on the local area! In fact, I have some interest in the area too, although no Mac for now and no police sniff for the local buglers:)) how about starting a paper together???? Or am I mad?
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year again,
PS. Thanks for your email, I got it from my Katarakta journal.
Ah a festive look back at the man with the biggest Yule Log in Erith...
Nice sum up of the past 12 months, here's to 2009!