Sunday, March 25, 2018

The Kentish Belle opens.

The photos above were taken by me last Monday lunchtime in Erith Riverside Gardens. Representatives from Bexley Council were handing over the newly installed hose tap and recently refurbished garden tool storage facility to the Friends of Riverside Gardens Erith (FORGE). A council photographer was on hand to record the ceremony. The day was bitterly cold, with a strong, freezing wind coming from the River Thames. Considering the very cold weather, the turnout of FORGE members, council officials and  a few members of the public was impressive. The event was not without incident; as you can see from the three photos above (click on any one for a larger version), the council photographer was very keen on using his stepladder, and instructing the group of people on how he wanted them to pose; personally I don't like this rather old fashioned approach to people photography - I prefer to catch people unaware to get the most natural shots possible. Nevertheless the official photographer spent considerable time directing the group into how he wanted them to pose. In fact he spent more time faffing around then he did taking photographs - but maybe he's old school, and that is the way he works. In the middle photograph of mine above, you can see a gentleman on a push bike, who is dressed in high visibility wear. He was a council gardener, and had been passing when he saw the photographer standing in the flower bed, as you can see above. He wasted no time in telling off the photographer, and asking him not to tread on the delicate flowers that were just beginning to bloom. What the gardener did not realise was that one of the assembled crowd was Colin Rowland, the Head of Parks and Open Spaces for Bexley Council, and the gardener's ultimate boss. I do hope that the gardener gets some recognition for his timely and wholly appropriate intervention. The plants were struggling against the unseasonably cold weather, and being stood on would not help things at all. FORGE now have access to the newly installed water supply, and a very large tool and hose store, the door of which you can see to the left of the lower photo. The door might look quite small, but the storage space behind it is absolutely huge. When council workers were leaning it out prior to the official hand over, they found a number of old canoes in the store, which apparently had been left and forgotten there many years ago by Erith Rowing Club. A notice board for the exclusive use of FORGE will be installed in the gardens shortly. This will enable the group to post information and notices in relation to activities in the garden in the future. 

Bexley Council's recent decision to remove collection hoppers for plastic waste in the various recycling centres around the borough may turn out to be  a major mistake, as I recently wrote. Central government is very keen to reduce the production and use of single use plastics, and to increase the amount of plastic that is recycled, rather than being sent to landfill. It is estimated that 8.3 billion tonnes of plastic have been produced since the 1950s. Research indicates that without urgent action to cut demand this is likely to be 34 billion tonnes by 2050. In the UK alone, during its recent Great British Beach Clean Up, the Marine Conservation Society found 718 pieces of litter for every 100 metre stretch of beach surveyed, and of this rubbish from food and drink made up at least one fifth. Bexley Council stopped the collection of plastic waste and cartons at its recycling facilities last December. The reasons quoted were that the plastic waste was being contaminated with household waste - apparently people were mixing other things in with their plastic for recycling. Whilst I am certain that some of this was being done deliberately, in my experience most of this was because other waste containers were already full (they are not emptied as regularly as I feel they should be) and people dropping off recycling were of the mind - "well, I am not taking this stuff home". Whilst the recycling of glass and metal materials can be quite lucrative for Bexley Council, the recycling of plastics does not bring in much in the way of cash. I think the decision to cease plastics collection for recycling was far more likely to be financially motivated, than the council would ever be prepared to admit. With the new policy on plastics recycling now being set by central government, I can foresee a back track by Bexley Council in due course.

Now for some rather overdue good news. The Kentish Belle micro pub has now opened after a number of setbacks and delays. You can see the place in the photos above - click for a larger view; thanks to the ReV for sending me the photos. Bexley's newest micro pub is located at 8 Pickford Lane, Bexleyheath, almost next door to Bexleyheath railway station, and adjacent to the Co-Op supermarket. You can see full details of the Kentish Belle and its opening times by clicking here. Originally the plan had been for The Kentish Belle to open late last November, but a number of unforeseen factors came into play which caused a series of delays. Nevertheless they are now open, and by all accounts doing very well indeed. I understand that on the opening day alone, the micro pub sold a combined total of around 900 pints of real ale, cider and soft drinks - an amazing figure for a full - sized pub, let alone a micro pub. There is an unfortunate aspect to the opening, and it illustrates one of the negative sides to social networking. The owners of The Kentish Belle posted the following observations online:- "An ode to opening weekend: And the comments that have marred our fantastic start. On Friday, we opted to have a soft opening to make sure Saturday wasn't a complete disaster. The Mayor and Mayoress of Bexley came down, and so did other people from our community including the estate agents, our solicitors and some other folk. Another group to appear were from the Sapphire Dance Studio, located above. Sapphire, a thriving dance studio and school, was also opened by Mayor Peter Reader last year and so, during a random conversation with Natalie (the instructor), she made the magnanimous offer to come down and support us for 20 minutes before the girls went back to their lesson. We, as a business, had no idea what the 'Sapphire Girls' were, nor how old they were (and to be honest we still don't), nor what they would be wearing. For all we know it could have been a jumper and jeans but they came, braving the cold weather, in their trademark sapphire dresses. Until now, the photos on the digital camera hadn't been uploaded and we are clearly being judged based on the one mobile phone photo we have of the ribbon cutting. So, let's think about what sort of things that have been said via Facebook and Twitter. So far, the business has been accused of some form of ingrained sexism, misogyny and worse. Indeed, one Twitter user felt the need to suggest that the Landlord had a personal interest in scantily-clad girls which, to be honest, is absolutely awful. The whole debacle is being run and peddled by a group of people who clearly have nothing better to do and who seriously need a hobby. Then, a CAMRA member from South East London, let's call her A, came in on Saturday and, being unable to even force the faintest congratulations she opted instead to start a 20 minute dialogue during a remarkably busy period which was totally unnecessary and which clearly had been pre-planned. Apparently, the photo should instead have been of the girls with their soft drinks and their instructor but I ask how that would have been any different? People want to forget the fact, it seems, that more than 500 people visited us in two days, we poured some 736 pints, served 87 bottles or cans of beer and a fair hit of wines, soft drinks and real cider (the latter of which I enjoyed immensely). It was a stunning community effort and only one person mentioned these fantastic young women who popped in to be part of the community spirit much akin to the bakery who brought us a handmade cake. We thought we had a really good opening weekend but, thanks to the wonders of the modern internet where there are no consequences to opinions and even libellous comments, it's just taken the shine off. We hope people enjoyed coming into our pub. We hope everyone who was there had quality beers, wines and ciders (and such) and feels they are always welcome no matter their age, background, gender or anything else but if there are people who seriously think we are a hive of sexism is always welcome to drink in an alternative establishment. It says something when a number of women, notably one who has sought to stop genuine sexism, is able to say this sort of thing is just finding offence where none was intended nor designed.And with that, we're going to bed. Tomorrow we will be yesterday's news as someone decides another beer pump clip is upsetting or whatever it is that helps them justify their existence. Goodnight". It would seem that the malicious actions of a couple of keyboard warriors with their own agenda have been doing their best to disrupt the opening of a new independent business, and seeing fault where none exists in reality. You can read the entire discussion thread by clicking here. I visited The Kentish Belle on Saturday night, and was very impressed. The place is so new that you can still smell the fresh paint and varnish - and there are still spacers between the tiles on the wall in the gents loo, where the grouting still needs to be done. Other than that, it is a lovely place with a wide selection of draft ales and specialist bottled Belgian beers, some of which are more like wines than beers. The Kentish Belle suffers from a problem common to many micro pubs, and that is of noise levels - the former shop unit has a lot of hard, flat surfaces that reflect noise, and the level of conversation meant that during my visit it was sometimes difficult to hear what was being said. A few drapes or other soft furnishings would help this issue. The London Borough of Bexley is exceptionally well - served in respect of micro pubs, and another is due to open soon, in Barnehurst. The Bird and Barrel will open at 100 Barnehurst Road, just around the corner from Barnehurst Railway Station. It will be the first pub opened by the Bexley Brewery, although I understand it will serve a variety of beers, alongside their own brews. 

Bexley has not had a local radio station for some years. Back when it did have one, it got very few listeners as it was utterly awful. What seems to have happened is that over the last handful of years, local radio listeners in some considerable numbers have been tuning into a radio station that is primarily aimed at an audience just over the other side of the River Thames. Time 107.5 FM is based in Romford, and mainly covers the London Boroughs of Havering and Barking and Dagenham, but a surprisingly large number of listeners to the station are located in places on "our" side of the River Thames, including Belvedere, Erith, Slade Green and Bexleyheath, amongst others. Their travel reports are extremely detailed and up to date, and cover the Dartford River Crossing and the North Bexley road systems. The station is very community based, and runs all sorts of campaigns to help people in need - a true local radio station; I would strongly urge you to tune in to 107.5 FM - right at the top of the VHF FM broadcast band and give Time FM a try - it is exactly what local radio should be. You can see their brand new website by clicking here

Now for the weekly safety and security updates from Bexley Borough Neighbourhood Watch Association. Firstly from Barnehurst ward:- "Excellent news again for Barnehurst ward with no crimes of note reported for the third week running, long may it continue. We are aware of reports about Quad bikes racing around the ward over the last couple of days and have increased patrols in the affected areas in an attempt to identify the riders, if you have any information at all please contact the Barnehurst team. On Tuesday this week we held our last ward panel meeting prior to the ward boundary changes in April. The ward panel consist of local residents who are passionate about their area and meet with the Barnehurst policing team every three months to set policing priorities for the ward. If you would like to be involved, we are always looking for and welcome new members. We will be holding a drop In surgery on Tuesday 27th March at 1pm at Barnehurst Golf Course, please feel free to pop along and join a member of the team for a chat about local issues or anything that may be concerning you. Finally we would like to say a big thank you to all our ward panel members for their contributions over the years in helping keeping Barnehurst one of the safest wards in London. It has been a pleasure in getting to know you all and for all those that we lose we wish you well, we hope you will continue to make a difference and be part of any new panel following the boundary changes".  Belvedere ward:- "On Wednesday 14th March, the team responded to a call to Police from staff at Asda in Lower Road who had detained a female that had attempted to shoplift from the store. It transpired that the female was in breach of a court order. She was subsequently arrested by PC Holmes. After a recent robbery took place in Picardy Road (a female had been followed to her home from Nuxley Road before being approached directly outside of her home), extensive enquiries were carried out around the area. From this, CCTV images of a suspect were discovered and a male was identified, who has now been arrested for the offence. There was a fatal collision on Picardy Manorway late last week, in which one of the vehicles involved failed to stop at the scene. Ongoing enquiries led to a male being arrested in relation to the incident. On Tuesday 20th March, PCSO Worrall assisted officers in Erith Town Centre at a crime scene. Assisted by several officers from neighbouring wards, the team were able to carry out ‘weapon sweeps’ in key areas of the ward this week, ensuring that no items that may be used in violent offences had been hidden in areas known for ongoing Anti-Social behaviour. We are happy to report that no items of this nature were found. Having seen a male using his mobile phone whilst driving in Station Road, PC Green issued a fine to the driver on Wednesday 21st March. Finally, our next Community Contact Session is set to take place on Monday 26th March at the Belvedere Library on Woolwich Road from 10 am". Brampton ward:- "The ward has seen an increase in motor vehicle crime over the week with Theft of motor vehicle in Wenvoe Avenue and Interference with a motor vehicle in Long Lane. The team are dealing with Harassment allegations from a primary school on the ward that will end with a suspect being interviewed on 27th March. The team have been in constant contact with the school regarding this and given advice on a banning order. Criminal damage to a house in Barrington Road has been linked to other offences in the area (Not Brampton) investigation ongoing. Courier fraud in Heversham Road , investigation ongoing , no details to show that anyone has been targeted and no further offences reported. Shoplift in Long Lane Co-Op , these offences on the ward are down but still 1 is too many. The NHW meeting organised for Friday the 16th March went ahead in the big hall and was well attended. The team had guests from Crayford ward PCSO Barlow, NHW and Councillor John Wilkinson. Thanks to those and to all that attended. The team gained some very good information and are working on them". Christchurch ward:- "Over the last week we have had three reports of burglaries on the ward, brief details below: Two reported on Olron Crescent on the 13/03/2018. Both being next door to each other and entry was gained via rear patio doors. On the 12/03/2018 the other burglary took place on the 12/03/2018 along Grosvenor Road Bexleyheath, entry was gained via the patio door. We have had 5 reports of Theft of Motor Vehicle reported over the last week. 17/03/2018 – Number plates were taken from the vehicle whilst parked outside the car park area by Sainsbury’s Broadway Bexleyheath. 14/03/2018 - Tools were taken from a van along Upton Road Bexleyheath. 12/03/2018 – Along Petworth Road, suspect had smashed side window to gain entry. 13/03/2018 – Car window was broken to gain entry to a vehicle along Abbey Road Bexleyheath 12/03/2018 – Items taken from inside a vehicle along Highfield Road Bexleyheath. A criminal damage to a motor vehicle was reported on the 16/03/2018. There was reports of youths throwing stones at cars. On the 21/03/2018 - A mobile phone was taken from the victims pocket whilst in the Broadway. On the 15/03/2018 – Report was received that a group of youths had tied to snatch a mobile phone from the victim whilst inside the Marriot Hotel A robbery was reported on the 12/03/2018 along the Broadway. The suspect had demanded the victim’s wallet and was then pushed. The team had recently arrested a male for shoplifting, also at least 12 stops were conducted along Iris Avenue as well as a recent school talk at Townley Grammar School". Colyers ward:- "There are no reported burglaries in the last two weeks on Colyers Ward. This is great news and long may the burglary figures remain at zero. Please continue to be vigilant and above all keep your possessions locked and secured. Keep your home safe and make it harder for burglars. There are also no reported motor vehicle crimes on Colyers Ward between 15/03/18 to 19/03/18. There was a reported theft on 16/03/18 in Cheviot Close Bexleyheath. The victim explains that he sold an item on Ebay but it was returned via the post. The delivery driver put a note through the victim’s front door saying he had left the parcel by the garden gate. When the victim returned from work no parcel was found. The parcel contained a pair of men’s boots valued at £66". Crayford ward:- "On 16/03/2018 between 23.27 and 23.28 there was a business burglary at Game at Tower Retail Park. Entry was made via the rear fire doors and a number of items were taken from the stock room. Between 16.00 on 12/03/2018 and 07.30 on 13/03/2018, front and rear number plates were stolen from a vehicle parked on a driveway in Crayford Road. Other crimes recorded in this last week on Crayford ward have included ABH, common assault, public order offences, domestics and shoplifting. Our ward panel meeting was held on Saturday 17th March, many thanks to Europa Gym for allowing us to use their conference room and for the refreshments laid on and to our residents and councillors on coming along on such a bitterly cold day. Our ward promises were set as Anti-social behaviour and speeding. Last week while off duty I became aware of a small child running along a side road out on to a main road in front of a car, thankfully, the car stopped safely and child was safely picked up and taken home. But it made me think about doors being locked and secure, it’s not just about keeping burglars and strangers out but keeping young children and other vulnerable inside their homes. Just a second to lock a door securely, this instance could have had the most awful outcome and was most certainly food for thought". Lesnes Abbey ward:- "Friday 16/03/18 Burglary 12:05-13:20pm King Harold's Way; Victim was leaving the house when victim was approached by a male delivery driver. The male has asked Victim if they could take in a parcel for the neighbour. Victim has taken in the parcel placing it in their house. Victim left home then realised they did not double lock the door; Monday 19/03/18 Criminal Damage to Motor Vehicle 10pm – 6am Abbotts Walk victim stated he parked his vehicle at the location. When he returned to his vehicle he found that someone had poured a tin of white paint over the car. The Paint is covering the rear window, boot, front door the outside wing mirror had also been to be kicked off. Date for your diary; Have a say on Tuesday 27/03/18 between the hours of 03:00pm and 04:00pm at the Bostall Library Community Group, King Harolds Way. An opportunity for members of the community who prefer face- to – face contact, to speak with a Dedicated Ward Officer. Follow Lesnes Abbey on twitter@mpslesnesabbey. Any Burglary or Motor Vehicle Crime prevention information wanted, contact the Lesnes Abbey team on the details above". North End ward:- "We have had a burglary in the afternoon of Thursday 15th March at Mariners Walk, Frobisher Road. Entry was gained through the front door and a lap top and iPad were taken. There was also a business burglary at Erith Plant Services on Manor Road where machinery was loaded onto a van, CCTV enquiries are ongoing. 2 positive stop and searches were made by PC Mark and PC James this week. One in Hazel Road and one near Boundary Street. Both resulted in Cannabis warnings being given. On Sunday they arrested a male who was wanted for Failing To Appear at Court. We are noticing a slight increase in calls relating to off road bikes in the ward, especially the Manor Road and Ray Lamb Way area. We will be doing what we can to try and identify anyone involved and any help is gratefully received if you do see anyone riding in your road and can give any details, description, bike description etc". Northumberland Heath ward:- "The team are pleased to report that we have not any reports of anti-social behaviour this week, and no motor vehicle crimes. We have been busy on the patrol bus over the weekend, and as a result of this an eighteen year old male was issued with a cannabis warning following two males being stopped in a vehicle in Avenue Road. Last Wednesday morning Police were called to a suspicious package that had been delivered to the Erith and Labour party building in Bexley Road. The package was examined and deemed not to be suspicious. Six youths have been interviewed under caution at Bexleyheath Police Station in relation to a report of criminal damage and this is an ongoing investigation. The team have been involved in two arrests. One for breach of a court order and the other for a serious sexual offence. Please note these crimes were not committed in Northumberland Heath. A male was stopped last week in Mill Road selling items door to door. A concerned resident was worried that the male may be targeting elderly or vulnerable people and alerted us. Please be vigilant of any door to door salespeople and check their identification card. A real charity collector will not mind if you keep them on the doorstep whilst you make a phone call to check their credentials. Unfortunately we have had another burglary in Bedonwell Road this week. This took place on Wednesday evening March 14th between 8pm – 8.30pm. Entry was gained by the suspect smashing a glass panel by the front door. An untidy search was conducted but it’s not clear at this stage what, if anything, as the victim was away". Thamesmead East ward:- "Friday 16/03/18 - Theft from Motor Vehicle between 7pm – 9am Kinder Close. Person unknown has entered the vehicle without causing any damage, searched throughout and removed various items; Criminal Damage to Motor Vehicle 6:04pm – 6:11pm Dashwood Social Club Victim saw 5 persons smashing the windows on his car. No clues who they were or why it was done. Monday 19/03/18 - Theft from Motor Vehicle 1pm – 3:17pm Glimpsing Green Van broken into plumbing tools, iPad monitor, drills and memory sticks of music taken. Tuesday 20/03/18 - PC Pruden arrested a male for Malicious Communications investigations are ongoing. On Friday 16/03/18, PC Nana arrested a female for allegedly making violent threats to a vulnerable person – investigation is ongoing. On Friday 16/03/18, PC Pruden attended one of the teams Community Contact Sessions at The Link were members of the public can attend to discuss any issues they may be experiencing on the Thamesmead East Ward. The next session will be on Wednesday 18/04/18 between 4:30-5:30pm at The Link. PC Nana, PCSO Buckley and PCSO Hobbs attended St John Fisher School in Kale Road to give a talk at the morning assembly about Staying Safe and Internet Safety. On Monday 19/03/18 PC Pruden and PC Nana attended Sporting Club Thamesmead in Baylis Avenue and showed off their kick up skills in support of Sports Relief".

The end video this week features Erith Playhouse, a volunteer run theatre, which is the largest of its kind in the whole of The London Borough of Bexley. Please feel free to leave a comment below, or alternatively Email me at

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