People eating food in supermarkets before paying for it. IT IS THEFT! Would you go into a car showroom and drive off in a car without paying "Oh, I'll pop a cheque round next week" ? NO!
People who put their feet on the seats on public transport. Inconsiderate and dirty. Usually manual labourers with filthy boots, or others from the shallow end of the gene pool.
People listening to music (invariably pointy fingered (c)rap) on mobile phones without using earphones - it is usually a slack jawed Chav relying on people's fears of being stabbed if they complain.
Chavs in general. Gas them all until they stop twitching, then use them as agricultural fertiliser.
Text - speak (from now on referred to only as F*ckwit).
People who use trollies in the check out isle of supermarkets marked "Hand baskets only". When you complain they invariably say "Well, I only have a hand baskets' worth of shopping". Count the wheels; if it comes to one or more, it is a flippin' trolley you spanner!