Things have currently gone quiet in respect of the graffiti Chav in the Tunnel of Doom (tm). I expect things to hot up again once his picture appears in the print version of the News Shopper in the next few days. As several people have surmised, the web editor of the aforementioned News Shopper has offered me the opportunity to become a blogger for them, and also for their website to act as a host platform for my photographs. I am extremely flattered, but I am taking it slowly as if I decide to take up his offer, I want to ensure I can justify his trust. I don't get much spare time, so I will wait and see.
I have almost been run over twice this week - both times by cyclists who think that the laws relating to traffic lights don't apply to them. One even shouted abuse at me even though I was perfectly within my rights as I crossed Stamford Street on the South Bank earlier this week. The traffic lights were red and the pedestrian lights green, but this did not stop the banana helmeted eco fascist from caterwauling a self righteous bleat. I reckon a small injection would soon correct his attitude - 124 grains of 9mm hollow point into the back of his head would suffice. Git.
"..a small injection would soon correct his attitude - 124 grains of 9mm hollow point into the back of his head would suffice. Git"
I laughed out loud at this while at work!
So Pewty!
Those photo's WERE on AICn for about 30 seconds but theres a wealth of material there especially as i'm such a big fan of the Joker.
Interesting to see where the Newshopper thing leads I just hope you don't have to tone down the Maggot Sandwich Blog!
Actually your outpourings in the Blog sometimes make me think of you as the bastard son of a mutant offspring of James May, Charlie Brooker (acidic Guardian TV reviewer), Victor Meldrew, Arnie in T1 (the steely look the "less is more" conversational approach) and Marmite!