As you will see from the first four photos above (please click on any one for a larger photo), I also purchased a pair of Edirol (actually a trade name for Roland) studio reference monitor speakers and an Iomega external hard drive, which gives me a Terabyte of backup space to mirror the Terabyte of internal storage in the iMac. As you will see I opted for the mini wireless keyboard and mouse. The keyboard is a revelation; it is machined out of anodised aluminium and is wafer thin, but the key feel and travel is perfect. The wireless mouse has no buttons at all - the whole of the case acts as a motion sensitive rocker which detects where you push it for those left click / right click moments. You can even control the computer using an iPod Nano sized remote control for all of your multimedia content. The screen is fully High Definition and has amazing colour rendition and contrast. The bottom photograph is of my old G4 iMac in its' new retirement home at Ian's house, where I am certain it will give many more years of sterling service. Anyway, if you really want to see more of the new beast you can view additional photographs on my Flickr photo site.
On Saturday afternoon I was waiting at a bus stop in Erith Road, Upper Belvedere for a bus to Plumstead to visit Dad as normal. I looked around and saw a 401 double decker bus heading onto the roundabout when suddenly a black Volkswagen Sharon van shot across the roundabout going the wrong way around it. I had just enough time to think "There's going to be trouble!" when there was a very loud crunch and the sound of rending metal and breaking glass as the van impacted into the double decker. Fortunately no-one was hurt and both drivers waited as two PCSO's came to take the details. I hung around for a few minutes for them to take a brief statement from me, then went on my way. I reckon the driver of the van had probably just come back home from a foreign trip and temporarily forgot which side of the road to drive on.
This weeks' video clip is a bit of a curiosity which comes courtesy of Ian who stumbled across it online; do give it a go and watch it all of the way through, as much of the unintentional humour happens towards the end of the excerpt - and it is only a couple of minutes long anyway. Ladies and Gentlemen - please meet mister Klaus Nomi...
Having seen "The Beast" I must admit that it IS impressive.
ReplyDelete...And so's the new 'Mac.
Actually "feckin' HUGE" springs to mind.
Again...And so's the new 'Mac.
You feel like your about to fall into the screen. The definition is amazing.
It also looks the mutts nuts (although just from a personal POV I miss having numbers on the right hand side as per a "normal" sized keyboard) also not 1 but 2 Terabytes of storage?!
That’s just RUDE!
Apparently Wall-Mart have 500 Terabytes and thats for one of teh largest companies in the world. Your only 498 Terabytes behind them!
I have 450Gb spread over my Franken-machine PC, the G4 i-mac and an external HD and I thought that was excessive...
I gotta say Mr.P MAGNOLIA is not the colour a "War Room" (ie: the spare room with all the computer and radio gear in it), re-paint the bugger! Brushed aluminium and Hi-Def do not sit well with a colour that is almost a non-colour!
Thank you again for the G4 Mac, as you can see from the pic's it's installed in my quite frankly smaller "war room" ("war cabinet" perhaps?), it's all cable managed just not yet connected to my quite frankly creaky PC or 't Net as I need to get a router and the cables. Looks quite stunning next to my straight outta the ark PC monitor.
I'm approaching it with some trepidation but I need to work out what to do on the Mac and what to do on the Windoze machine as I'm reluctant to ditch my PC just yet.
Sure I'll be bending your ear ask all sort of inane questions!
Do Mac's have USB sockets?
Came across the clip while looking at a fan vid' of Xenon (the band). Couldn't help but pish myself over the sheer 80's-ness of it. Looking into the bloke's background he was big on the NY New Wave scene and a friend of Bowie and Iggy Pop and died of AIDS in the very early 80's.
Looked more like a school production to me…
Maybe a new direction for me?
the image not teh dying of AIDS bit obviously.
I'll get me coat...