Sadly, whilst my own model looks great, it is now exceedingly deaf and in need of complete restoration. The chassis is fine, but many of the electrolytic capacitors and valves need replacing. Unfortunately I have neither the time or the skills to undertake the extensive task myself. If anyone knows of a reliable restorer of vintage valve radio gear, I would love to hear from them. Can anyone help?
The second Bexley Real Ale Festival is scheduled for the 12th to the 14th of April. Last years' inaugural event was in my opinion the best one of the year. The sequel will be fun and instructive to attend. I will be going on the evening of the Friday. I had planned to add this to yesterday's ramblings, but Blogger was playing up big time and it would not accept an update to my original posting. Ho Hum. The following video dates back to 1995 and shows what happens when you try lighting a Barbecue using a bucket full of liquid oxygen.
Can't help you with reapairs BUT I have nicked the photo and am using it as the icon for the bands new track over at our myspace site!
ReplyDeleteClick on my name to go there.
1st July this year will hopefully see a sharp decline in public smoking. As for tattoo's, each to their own tbh;)